Pain relief in the short term; options to support your best smile, health in the long run
New York City never sleeps. So, when a toothache disrupts your rest, work, and otherwise busy life, Pure Dental Care is here to relieve pain and get your mouth healthy again, pronto! As needed, Dr. Nazia Ahmed may recommend emergency root canal therapy to “save” even the most severely decayed teeth. Or, when a tooth cannot be preserved, an emergency extraction gets you out of pain over the short term. Over the longer term, replacing any essential teeth gets your mouth back to its full, healthy function and the appearance of your smile back on track.
Emergency care explained
When it comes to most services, our team largely provides a defined list of concerns and circumstances that make the specific service attractive; for example, cosmetic dentistry (like veneers) may be an excellent option for patients with gaps, stubborn stains, irregularly shaped teeth, and other imperfections. Emergency dentistry, however, is less black and white. It’s reported that more than two million people go to hospital ERs annually with toothaches and other oral conditions. But these urgent cases are often associated with intense pain rooted in severe decay. These concerns are also easy to prevent with regular visits to our office for exams and professional cleanings. Dr. Ahmed can also provide expert recommendations for good home hygiene and professional services to stop decay or other disease in its tracks. Such conditions are generally easier to resolve, and damage may even be reversible when detected and properly treated early.
With proactive dentistry or responsive emergency services, Dr. Ahmed also treats the oral conditions that she knows best in the most suitable manner. Consider how emergency medical facilities are overburdened and how personnel are not specially trained nor experienced with oral health challenges/treatment. So, when patients go to the ER for tooth troubles, they often get a “band-aid” courtesy of pain relief medications—and they get this “quick fix” at considerable cost to their wallet.
Dr. Ahmed’s expertise in oral anatomy and function informs the best possible method for ” saving” your aching tooth and rebuilding your smile and healthy function.
Emergencies to you = emergencies to us
No one knows you better than yourself. When something is “off” or doesn’t feel right, you sense it. Our team urges you, however, to contact us as soon as changes rear their ugly head. Prompt assessment and care can avoid intense pain and missed school or workdays. Additionally, the sooner we can disrupt the decay or disease process, the better off you will be, as we are more likely to save your natural teeth and avoid the need for extractions.
Discomfort varies. But, if you characterize your pain in the following ways, you may need emergency root canal treatment or other restorative services to resolve underlying inflammation or infection:
- Pain that jars you when biting down, especially on crunchy or hard food
- Lingering pain that lasts 30-plus seconds after the “source” is removed, i.e., sweet drinks, heat or cold
- Persistent and throbbing toothaches that won’t let you sleep, focus at work or school, or on everyday activities
Pain associated with other symptoms (such as puffy face or swollen gums) can indicate a severe infection or abscess. These infections demand prompt treatment because they can spread to distant parts of the body and are not something you want to ignore. If you are overdue for your checkup or are concerned about a tooth, call the Manhattan, NY office of Pure Dental Care at (212) - 256-1292 today.