Dental crowns: Common treatment, uncommon approaches to restorative care

Crowns may be a standard dental procedure. But Pure Dental Care of New York City takes an uncommon approach to rebuilding broken, decayed, and otherwise vulnerable teeth with these restorations.

Conservative treatment

For starters, Dr. Nazia Ahmed opts for the least aggressive restoration to rebuild your damaged teeth sufficiently. As such, Dr. Ahmed may find during an evaluation that you could benefit from tooth-colored fillings, dental inlays, or dental onlays (partial crowns) instead of a full-coverage crown.


You may be a good candidate for dental crowns if your tooth has a large cavity. A big filling does not have the surrounding tooth structure to support it properly. So, the large filling then leaves the tooth vulnerable to further damage. In fact, some cavities or areas of decay may not be restored with more extensive inlays or onlays, either. In these cases, the crown is well-suited to strengthen the remaining tooth structure. It simply fits on top of the tooth and is secured to it. In turn, the crown functions almost as an “armor” to protect the tooth. Crowns are also generally recommended following root canal therapy and may even be used to replace teeth as part of a dental bridge or dental implant-supported artificial teeth.

What to expect

Crowns can be completed in two to three visits. We prepare the tooth by reducing and reshaping it during the first appointment. This step is essential because the crown must fit properly on the tooth. Dr. Ahmed then makes impressions or models of the tooth and its neighbors, which are sent to our skilled lab partners. This information guides the fabrication of the crown. While your permanent one is being made, a temporary crown is placed to protect the prepared tooth. The final step involves securing the permanent crown to the tooth during a follow-up appointment.

A helping hand

Crowns can last for many years with good care. Ongoing oral care is a partnership between our dental team and our patients. We can advise on brushing and flossing techniques, as well as OTC and professional products, to extend the “life” of your crown and avoid future damage to the treated tooth and other teeth in your smile.

Call the Pure Dental Care team at (212) - 256-1292 to learn more. Our New York City office is in Manhattan, NY, just south of Central Park.