Gaps, chips, oddly shaped teeth, and other cosmetic concerns have met their match!

Are you embarrassed by chipped teeth, a tooth that is too pointy, or wear and tear adding years to your smile? Whatever the case may be, dental bonding is one of the most economical and efficient ways that Pure Dental Care in New York City can dramatically transform your smile while retaining its natural, one-of-a-kind characteristics.

What it is

Bonding is a process that involves preparing a composite resin material designed to resemble the natural protective covering of your teeth. Once the material is ready, it is skillfully applied and shaped to address various concerns. This includes covering gaps between teeth, uneven spacing, stubborn discoloration that resists whitening, and other cosmetic imperfections. Like porcelain veneers, bonding transforms the smile by covering up flaws among patients with otherwise healthy teeth and gums.

How it’s done

To prepare the material, Dr. Nazia Ahmed color matches it to the surrounding tooth and its neighboring, natural teeth. To secure the resin, it must be applied in a pliable, “putty-like” form to the front surfaces of the visible biting teeth. Since the composite is applied directly to the teeth, there is minimal preparation or alteration of the natural tooth structure. The tooth is slightly “etched” or conditioned to support the strongest bond with the material. Then, Dr. Ahmed uses her artistry and skill to shape the material. So, it naturally, optimally, and precisely masks the underlying cosmetic concern. If all is to our patient’s liking, the material is bonded or hardened and fixed securely to the tooth with a special LED curing light.

Bonding’s appeal

All of the above steps can be completed in just one visit. Similar procedures would require at least two appointments. Additionally, patients looking for a cosmetic procedure that is not invasive are in luck with dental bonding! The healthy tooth structure is preserved since no enamel is removed to accommodate the composite. There is no sensitivity. In turn, no numbing with anesthetic is necessary. Due to the conservative nature of the treatment, the process is completely reversible. In addition to being a no-risk process, bonding is a cost-effective alternative to procedures like porcelain veneers. Yes, there are numerous benefits. But is dental bonding right for you? To find out, schedule a consultation at the New York City office of Pure Dental Care today. Our team is located in Manhattan, NY (Central Park South), and can be reached at (212) - 256-1292.